Tuesday 5 April 2011

Closing the BLOG

I've completed this BLOG. Thanks to all who helped me get to places I never thought I would see in my lifetime and made my trip to S. Africa such a wonderful experience.

Monday 28 March 2011

The Kruger

Kruger National Park is not the only "open game" park in Africa, but it is perhaps the most famous. It is roughly the size of the state of New Jersey. One can spend weeks driving around seeing all sorts of native animals. And then again one can drive around for weeks and see nothing because the animals run free and the herds migrate daily. The first pic is that of Hetti, my gracious guide and friend standing alongside the list of do's and dont's. One thing you can't do is get out of your car except at camp sites which are not close together. Trust me, being in a small car with a Rhino 2 meters away is both a thrill and a fright. Also being careful not to run over the Meerkats that scamper across the road. What an experience. Thanks again Hetti for making this one of the best times of my life.

Sunday 27 March 2011

The Kruger Park Lodge

We took the back road to the Kruger Park Lodge and while it was slow going we saw some of the most incredible scenery anyone can find anywhere on earth. The Kruger is located in Mpumalanga, which you may recall I took a trip and is shown in a previous post.

For a very reasonalble price we had 5 star accomodations, breathtaking views and gourmet meals. They even packed a breakfast for us as we started out to The Kruger Park 5:30 AM on Saturday.

The Patio -->

Saturday 5 March 2011


Very interesting trip to Soweto

The hill in the pic is man made. Dirt pulled from the gold mines in and around Johannesburg.

Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela's houses.