Wednesday 17 November 2010

Latest news as of Nov 17th

Driving is improving. I've only broken one side mirror so far and got a new car. Also missed a turn to go into a shopping center, tried to turn around in a drive way to a gated community. The security guard chased me to the mall and told me I had to return because I hit the boom (the metal rod that is before the gate) . So I followed him back to the location. After 10 min in query I was nervous. There was no hitting of the boom. My friend Duncan from the UK was with me and that helped me feel a bit better but after 15 min we both were nervous. Then finally the owner of the place came out to greet us. He was British and told us we had nothing to worry about. The guards did their job and filled out massive amounts of paperwork and we were soon on our way.

S. African police announced to the public they intend to stop and check over one million drivers between now and Christmas (guess they need money). They check for everything. I was told as an American they will not check much because it is a hassle with the paperwork. As long as I'm not breaking the law, I should be fine. I can only pray.

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