Thursday 11 November 2010

My 3rd day of driving in S. Africa

Johannesburg has some of the most courteous drivers I've seen. I've only been seriously honked at 2 times for making a mistake. In addition to having to drive on the opposite side of the road, the cars are also equipped differently. For example, the drivers seat is on the right (how many times I've been laughed at for getting in on the left), the turn signal is on the right, the left stick controls the wipers. All too often when attempting to signal a left turn I end up turning on the wipers. And when I do remember the signal control is on the other side of the steering column I push it up. Well up is for a right turn, down is for a left turn. Then there are the turnarounds, little circles in the road that join two or more (usually more) streets. And there is the constant reminder to look the "other way" for oncoming traffic because everything is backwards from what I am used to. I bet Ill have this down in a week and when I return to the USA I'll have to relearn.

A friend invited me to her home in Pretoria which is roughly a 40 minute drive from where I live. Her address is not on my GPS, so she sends me a Google map which helps but the streets are not in a grid pattern, and they change names. This is all quite difficult for me alone behind the wheel. I'm thinking I'll go up to Pretoria early on Saturday when there is no traffic just to make sure I know how to get there. Do some looking about, then return home. Go back later that evening when I am supposed to be there. Trying to find her house at night is just too much for me right now. Mainly because many of the streets are not marked and every one basically looks the same.... high walls with wires for security. The GPS will get me home, just not to her house.

Guess I shouldn't feel too bad. The taxi driver who picked me up at the airport took an extra 30 min. to find my Bed and Breakfast accommodations. And Johannesburg is his home.

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